Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon!

The night it came out, I went to the midnight showing of New Moon! I went with my friend (who happens to be Wes's preschool teacher) who happens to have a 17 year old daughter who is WAY into The Twilight Saga. This certain daughter brought 2 other friend who are 17 also. Let me tell you, I came away from that night feeling 11 years younger than I am! WHAT FUN!!! We went out to eat (Spaghetti Factory) before hand. Then we headed to Seattle for a 9:00 showing of Twilight. It was fun to see that first. Then we had an hour break in-between shows. It was nice because we got to stay in the same theatre, same seats, no waiting in line...etc. AWESOME!

The teens I was with, were fully equipped with their T-shirts (which read Tyler's Van Team, if you don't get it I will tell you, I didn't get it either) and a WEATLH of knowledge about Twilight, New Moon and all the characters names and bios. This might have been the best part for me. I learned so much about the movie and remembered so much I had forgotten about the books, thanks to these girls. The movie was better than I was hoping (much better than the 1st) and Jacob looked WHOLE lot better that I ever imagined (every time I see him, I still think Shark-Boy and Lava-Girl, but I think this movie got me passed that) and Edward is still a bad actor, although very enduring.

Needless to say, I had a blast acting like a 17 year old girl again, screaming, laughing, and talking about the on-screen boys, not to mention getting to bed at 3:30 am. What a night to remember, if only I could recover from lack of sleep now...


MegThur said...

That sounds like such a fun night! I don't understand the Team Tyler's van thing though... Ryan and I went to the 3:00 showing on Fri afternoon, and there were women there who had seen the midnight show and were there again! I would gladly see it again, it was WAY better than Twilight!

Stefani said...

lol, this is how I felt too! I understand the Tyler's van thing, but I don't get why. I'm going to see it again tomorrow. Woo Hoo!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness Shannon I had almost the same experience! I went with 3 of my Young Women! It was just the 4 of us and we went out to dinner and saw the movie on Friday night. I really did feel 10 years younger! It was amazing. It made me feel like I should hang out with the youth a little more often!

Shannon B said...

Tylers van...They were on Tyler Van's Team because they wish Tyler's van killed Bella (in Twilight) so they could have Edward/Jacob to