Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer, Summer, Summertime...

Colton decided to jump back in the bath after he had just got out and dressed

31 pounds of strawberries from Green Bluff to turn into jam and smoothies

The helpers. They seriously helped a ton. They cut tops off strawberries for an hour straight!

Aaron's work rented out a river boat and so we got to go "float" around lake Couer d'Alene. It was a beautiful evening for a boat ride. We got a dinner of hamburgers and hot dogs, and saw some BEAUTIFUL homes right on the water. Aaron works with some really cool people (and their wives are cool too!!)

Enjoying their boat ride

Colton doing what he does best


Stefani said...

love, love, love <3

Janet said...

what a fun summer you've had!!

Lindseys said...

The boat trip looks fun and the strawberries look delicious.


Stimpsons said...

Love those pics. Cutiful kids!

Joe and Julie said...

That's a lotta strawberries!! We'll be right up to see you.

Kristen said...

Love summer!

karensumpter said...

love that last picture of colton.

Megan said...

CUTE! Colton is adorable!!!