Typical weekday morning. Wes playing video games with Colton.
Colton has acid reflux and colic so he cries...A LOT. He LOVES being held and Sydnie will hold him for HOURS on end. It is the BIGGEST help to me so I can get stuff done (aka take a shower). I couldn't do it with out my Syd!
Lando has OCD, ya think? Cars, trucks, trains, anything that "goes" he LOVES!!!!!!!
Baby cousins! Lila and Colton are six weeks apart.
Coco doing what I WISH he did best!
Oh my your little guy is the cutest!! I can't believe how much they change in just a few weeks time. I am sorry he is colicy, Gavin was that way, he had to be bounced (while being held facing out) on our excercise ball to be happy. Good luck, hope you are getting some sleep!
My heavens your baby is cute! Congrats!
Love lazy summer days!! Colton totally looks like he gained weight in that last pic. Isn't it funny how six weeks makes such a huge difference at this age! :). He's absolutely adorable, as are your other kids! Love that dud is such a huge help!!!
Oops, I mean syd (love typing on my iPhone). :)
Hey. What's this? another one growing up without us being there to see him do it. But thanks for keeping us informed via blog.
love the cute pictures and Janet I can't stop laughing at your typo (dud instead of Syd)
Apparently Syd is related to Derek (remember Dud?) I love the picture of Wes and Colton on the couch. I can't decide if Colton makes Wes look big or if Wes makes Colton look little. Either way they are darn cute!
Gosh, I only moved once, didn't get a new job or have a baby, but I feel like my life has been crazy. Kudos to you and good for you for having some lazy days. I love the picture of Colton laying on the couch with Wes...too cute! Hang in there with the crying baby...so not fun. Hopefully it won't last too long!
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