Saturday April 9, 2011 Sydnie got baptized into the church by her dad. It was SUPER special for her because people came in from out of town; both sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, friends and neighbors and bishops! After the baptism we had a brunch at the church (Thanks Costco and all the help I got from the guests). Cake pops were requested at the brunch by Sydnie as well, so we (my friend and I) ended up making 120 of them a few days before hand! YUM! The brunch was delicious and memorable and the cake pops were a hit!! What a wonderful choice Sydnie made and what a wonderful day! Thank you all who came to show love and support to Sydnie! Proud Parents Grandma and Grandpa Banks Her BFF's (I LOVE her smile, she looks so happy and she looks like she is glowing!) Grandpa and Grandma Lindsey Some other fun activities while the company was here...a walk down to the school to play on the playground... Grandma even got in on the fun. Lookin good Wes Out of order...This pic cracks me up! Syd's brothers, minus Colton. I think he was in his carseat already.. Awesome cousins!!!! Happy boy (as usual) Shoulder rides at Manito Park Lainey and Syd Love it!
Do you ever wonder when you are stuck in traffic, or driving on the freeway "Where is everyone going?" I am a naturally curious person, and I always wonder things like this. When I see someone buying flowers at the store, I yearn to know who or what they are for? Present? Funeral? Just Because? Apology? I see my neighbors light on at 4:00 am almost every morning (when up feeding the baby) and wonder who in their right mind would be up at this hour, and WHAT are they doing over there?
My street has a plethora of elderly people and three who live close are chain smokers. I see them everyday smoking up a storm on their porches, in their cars AND while doing yard work. One of them has lung cancer and has spent weeks in the hospital. The days she gets back from the hospital she is right back out smoking her life away. If that doesn't make me wonder....why does she do it?
Now curiosity can be a tricky thing. Not to be confused with being nosy, or even judgmental. There is a fine line. I try to just keep it to lighthearted situations.
Sometimes I like to make up scenarios about someone I see in a store or restaurant, (see movie trailer below) all positive and in good fun of course. To sum up, I am a wonderer and people watcher, who likes to know a bit about the curious things in life. I know we are all a bit curious. Now I am curious, what makes you curious!?
p.s.I am not recommending this movie, I just like this scene.