Today is mine and Aaron's 7 year anniversary! Here are some of the "events" that have happened in the past 7 years:
*Moved 5 times
*Had 2.5 kids
*5+ years of College
*BOTH graduated from college (Aaron with 2 degrees)
*PhD drop out (best choice we ever made)
*Many camping trips, fishing trips and vacations
*3 car accidents (and a few other dents)
*1 stolen bike
*3 cell phones getting destroyed by water and (3 cameras as well)
*No pets (as of yet , hallelujah)
*1 motorcycle and 3 cars
*1 broken fly pole and 1 angry dad (thanks to Wesley)
*Over 3500 pictures (at least that is what our picture archive says)
*Over 3 million happy memories (or more!!!!!!!)
Can you believe I am married to this hottie??????? I love being married to ya Aaron G. Banks!!! :0)