Okay, so I KNOW I live in an apartment where you have to be courteous of your neighbor and live by "the managers" rules but it is getting ridiculous! All summer the kids (naturally) play outside. When it was real hot I would fill up a little kiddie pool and put out on the lawn and they would get cooled off and have a good time. Half way through the summer I got a notice that kiddie pools were banned. I was bummed but it was okay. So no more pool, so they have been riding their bikes on the sidewalk which happens to go past people's windows. I got a notice on the door "please do not let your kids go on other peoples porches and look into their windows." I talked to my kids and they no longer do this (they didn't in the first place either...I am ALWAYS out there with them and I see what they are doing all the time! Anyhoo, they water the lawn here AT LEAST 3 times a day and so when it was hot, since they couldn't swim or ride, they would run through the sprinklers. As they were running through one day (minding their own business) our manager come over on her golf cart and says, they kids are NOT supposed to be playing in the sprinklers. AHHHG! So I get them out and tell them no more of that! (By the way this complex has TONS of kids and is really well kept up and always looks really nice...see the picture, but there is no playground, pool or anything for them).
So TODAY we are outside and the kids are collecting bugs in a jar, therefore they moved some bricks to get some worms etc (temporarily, of course, we do this quite often) and the manager came over in her dumb little golf cart and said "are you going to put those bricks back?" In my head I said "no I was planning on leaving them all over the sidewalk like this" but what I really said was yes, of course, we do this all the time and we always put them back. Anyhoo, she said well, they don't like it when you do that, so put them back! First of all, I don't know who "they" are (probably HER) and second...what CAN my kids do REALLY? Anyhoo, I DO understand this complex is nice and they want to keep it safe and good looking but honestly! It's not kid friendly at all and neither is the management!
Thanks for letting me vent, I already feel better...am I over reacting? It's too bad so many people want to sue the pants off everyone these days, I think that is why all this "NO" business. It's time to buy a HOUSE!
Shannon, you are one of the most patient people I know. You are NOT overreacting. Tell that lady to take a chll pill, take the stick out her rear, and get over herself!!!! What a power trip!
Seriously, I want to vent just hearing what you have to say! Crazy lady. It does not make sense that they ban so many activities for the kids. The kids around here are pretty good, I only told on them once when they were playing by our bedroom windows (we are on the bottom floor) during Sam's nap and would not stop screaming after I had asked them a couple days in a row. And they were climbing on the motorcycles in the parking lot, which could be dangerous if one fell over on them, Yikes. But your little ones aren't being extreme at all they are just trying to play. I feel so sorry for you, what are you suppose to do keep them locked inside all day? Management doesn't seem too friendly up there! I am feeling sorry for you today!
Oh that sticks! I have had some poor management in apartments...none that anal but ones that are just disorganized. I think Christa (here at Northwood) will be the best manager I will ever have.
You have every reason to be upset. I can't believe how much she is over reacting about everything. Kids need to be kids! It's not like you are destroying property!
Amen to all of the above, that's so awful!! Yes...definately time to buy a house. :P
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